My Protest at The National Portrait Gallery

painting of edward fox-white in the telegraph article

Edward Fox-White in the Daily Telegraph. Read the complete story here

Unlike in most museums, my protest has been a sedate affair at the National Portrait Gallery (NPG) in London. Emails bounced back, and forth over months without an open soup can, paint, or glue anywhere in sight. No arrests, and ultimately I reign supreme, wielding the Sword of Truth.


Protesting Degas loudly in Washington DC on April 15th


I should give a little context to all this. Last summer I went to The National Portrait Gallery to view a portrait painted by James Tissot. It was of my Great-great Grandfather Edward Fox-White, gallery owner, dealer, and art appraiser. However, the caption beside the accomplished painting was unnerving.

The last paragraph stated

“White's first marriage linked him to a wealthy Sephardim Portuguese Jewish family who had owned Jamaican sugar plantations. Following Abolition in 1836, White's future father-in-law received a 'large amount' of compensation for 28 enslaved Africans - money that would later help establish and sustain White's career.”

While acknowledging the importance of exploring historical context, this claim did not align with my knowledge of the family history, which revealed no such transaction.

As a descendant of slaves myself, I felt compelled to seek clarification from the NPG. Also my active appraisal business is founded by Edward Fox-White. Initial adjustments were made to the caption, but the tarnishing claim remained unresolved. Further inquiries, requesting supporting evidence, elicited a statement on the NPG's commitment to “exploring people and portraiture in the context of slavery.” I enquired into the source of this misinformation and with it a public retraction. 

Eventually after hurdles, only through a Freedom of Information request, the claim’s origin came to light. It was conjecture based on research conducted own family! Fundamentally fabricated. My experience exposes the NPG's flawed approach: ‘well-meaning initiatives’, a cultural commitment to exploring a certain narrative, undermined by a lack of scholarly rigor. 

Museums through collaboration with families who possess firsthand knowledge of their ancestors' lives the NPG can benefit. Prioritizing factual accuracy and clear communication, trust and understanding can be fostered.

The NPG has now relented, months later, agreeing to revise the label, however, they maintain there is "no direct evidence", leaving the door ajar. A public retraction remains absent. I shall not hold my breath waiting.

Naughty Damian’s rotting goldfish/shark


The press sink their teeth in.

While waiting, since I could no longer hold my breath, I might as well get the story out there. So I threw out a letter to the Letters Editor at the London Telegraph. Well, it was like feeding chum to sharks. The ‘woke’ NPG blood was in the water and they circled in for the kill. A story is born, and the anti-woke gets a poster boy (yours truly) for a day. In the States, a team of litigious lawyers would be assembled, and the word libel regarding my business would drip from their lips.

newspaper article about art dealer with photos

Donald Gajadhar questions National Portrait Gallery in The Telegraph.

However, the UK is more a sedate affair, instead, the rabid press is unleashed. After all, everyone loves a Donald vs Goliath story. The comments section is already exploding.

All good, I hope. I feel sure Edward Fox-White would have approved.
